Every Stone Tells a Story.

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Concordia Cemetery is 100% volunteer staffed. Please donate or volunteer now to keep our legacy alive.

Uncover your family’s genealogy. Recover the past.

The Story of Concordia. Once a showplace and pride of the community, the cemetery was abandon in 2001 and left to fall into ruins, with no maintenance and no care, the stories of the past forgotten. Today, a committed team of volunteers takes care of the cemetery and safeguards its history.

We are here to revive Concordia’s past and bring back to life all the history that time tried to forget…

Help keep these memories alive by Donating Now to our not-for-profit now.

For information or to find an ancestors interred here, CLICK HERE 

Contribute to preserving our collective past.

Upcoming events.

At Concordia Cemetery we have events throughout the year. From uncovering tombstones, to memorial celebrations, and commemorations, we aim to create fun and engaging events that welcome community members of all ages.

To stay up to date on events as they are announced please follow us on Instagram.

Our Mission: To restore, preserve and protect the cemetery grounds, its history and its records and to lay the groundwork to ensure its appropriate maintenance and preservation for years to come.